Learn Beekeeping with Academy Beekeeping Courses

(Includes Colony Membership)

PerfectBee Academy is a complete online beekeeping syllabus. Featuring three detailed courses, Academy takes you from beekeeping curiosity to confidently installing your beehives.

And we back it all up with full access to our unique Colony community.

Since 2015, we've helped thousands start beekeeping. Why not you? Read more below.

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What is Included in the Academy Beekeeping Courses?
A lot! We build your knowledge step-by-step. You will learn about the amazing honeybee, how to choose and install your beehives and, most important, the quest for healthy hives. Each course has three sections and at the end of each course we'll challenge you with a test. Pass the three tests in a course, and we'll send you a personalized certificate to showcase your knowledge!
Course 1: Learn About Bees
A core principle of Academy is that the successful beekeeper has a never-ending curiosity and fascination with the incredible honeybee. Our first course is all about the bee, from the eye-opening science, their role in nature, their behaviors as individual bees, the extraordinary power of the colony and so much more.
1.1 The Science of Bees
Why Bees Rock!
The Incredible Diversity of Bees
The Anatomy of Bees
A Deeper Look at Bee Anatomy
Honeybee Genetics
How Honeybees Reproduce
The Honeybee Life Cycle
The Process of Pollination
The Secrets of Honeycomb
How Bees Use Pheromones
Why Bees Can’t Fly?
The Common Races of Honey Bees
1.2 The Life of Bees
Inside and Out of the Beehive
The Role of the Drone Bee
The Role of the Queen Bee
The Role of the Worker Bee
How Bees Sense and React
Why and How Bees Forage
How Do Bees Make Honey?
Sticking with Propolis
Understanding The Honey Flow
Hive Temperature & Moisture
Fat Bees and the Winter Cluster
Why and How Bees Swarm
1.3 About Beekeeping
Philosophy of Natural Beekeeping
Beekeeping with Kids
The Growth of Urban Beekeeping
Understanding Bee Stings
Beekeeping Clubs and Mentors
Beekeeping and the Neighbors
Beekeeping Books
Why Beekeeping Matters
Hidden Benefits of Beekeeping
Responsible Beekeeping
Course 2: Your Beehive
In this heavily practical course, we introduce you to the types of beehives in common use today and how they might best suit your specific needs. We cover tools, accessories, clothing and much more. Then we discover that great moment when you obtain and install your first bees!
2.1 Hives & Accessories
Guide To Starting Beekeeping
What Bees Need
What Beekeepers Need
The Common Types Of Beehives
The Langstroth Hive
The Top Bar Hive
The Warre Hive
The Flow Hive
Foundationless Beekeeping?
Practicalities Of Setting Up A Beehive
2.2 Equipment & Clothing
Beekeeping With A Smoker
Using Feeders With Your Hive
Tools For Beekeepers
Protective Clothing Overview

Beekeeping And Technology

2.3 Starting Your Beehive
Questions for New Beekeepers
Preparing Your Beehive
Obtaining Bees
Installing Package Bees
Installing Swarms
Installing a Nuc
New Beekeeper Guidance
Contrarary Positions to Consider
Friends & Family in Beekeeping
Introducing the Brood Nest
Introduction to Feeding
Introduction to Hive Inspections
Keeping Records

Beekeeping Advocacy

Beekeeing Myths
Course 3: A Healthy Beehive
Installing your first hives is so much fun…but now the learning begins! Our bees are wonderful at maintaining a healthy hive. But they face a wide range of threats. In our final course, we look at these threats and how we, as beekeepers, can help our bees. We then look at the important topic of the hive inspection, offering very practical advice on what to consider. And finally, we take stock of the magical rewards we receive – well beyond “just” the honey – from our beekeeping passion!
3.1 Threats to Bees
Guide To A Thriving Colony
The Main Threats to Bees
The Threat of Robbing
Colony Collapse Disorder
Small Hive Beetle
The Dangers of Wax Moths
Tiny Mice to Big Bears
American and European Foulbrood
Nosema and Chalkbrood
Trachael Mites
Varroa Mites: Part 1
Varroa Mites: Part 2
3.2 Inspecting Your Hive
Big Issues at Inspections
Learning from Deadout Inspections
When to Consider Requeening
Recognizing and Avoiding Swarms
What is Bearding?
Understanding the Brood Pattern
Introduction to Cross Comb
Splitting a Hive
Queen Rearing: Part 1
Queen Rearing: Part 2
Overwintering Honeybees
Preparing for Winter
Managing Hive Capacity
Moving a Hive
A New Beekeeper FAQ
3.3 Reaping the Rewards
The Tangible Rewards
Harvesting Honey: Part 1
Harvesting Honey: Part 2
Extracting Beeswax
Making Money in Beekeeping
From Course to Beekeeping

Also Includes Colony Community

Registering for Academy comes with PerfectBee Colony, our supportive and friendly community for hobbyist beekeepers.
    Academy Tests and Certificates
    Each of the nine Academy sections end with a fun and challenging test. Pass all three in a course... and we'll send you a beautiful, personalized .pdf certificate to celebrate your success! That's three certificates in all.
    PerfectBee Ambassadors
    Your Colony membership includes access to our PerfectBee Ambassadors, who collectively have decades of beekeeping experience. Ambassadors offer their wisdom via Colony Cluster events and in the Colony Forum.
    The Colony Forum
    All beekeepers love to discuss their bees and their beekeeping. That's why our super friendly and helpful Colony Forum is such an enjoyable and safe online hangout for all Colony members.
    Cluster Webinars
    From February to October, our PerfectBee Ambassadors hop online for our Colony Cluster Q&A event. Cluster is a great chance to ask your beekeeping questions in real-time. And it's a ton of fun!
    Beekeeping Store Discounts
    Annual Colony members receive a 5% discount on ALL products in the PerfectBee Beekeeping Store...even those already on sale!
    Your Colony, Personalized...
    We want to help YOU in YOUR beekeeping.We offer you an optional call, to discuss your beekeeping plans and set you on a great path. You also have access to a personalized dashboard, displaying your Academy progress.
Pricing Options
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  • PerfectBee Academy Courses
  • Tests and Certificates
  • Colony Cluster Q&A (Feb - Oct)
  • Colony Forum
  • PerfectBee Ambassadors
  • Academy Webinars
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  • 2 Months Free
  • 5% discount on ALL products
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