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What should I do to prepare for installing my bees?

The day you'll install honeybees is a very big and exciting one indeed, but it shouldn't be a stressful time! Ease your worries with these steps.
By Nicole Marois. Published March 11, 2025:

If you’re planning to bring home a new honeybee colony this season, you’re likely feeling quite excited, but may also be a bit apprehensive and unsure exactly how best to prepare for the actual installation. To help ensure a stress-free installation for you and your bees, making a plan can make a big difference in your confidence level.  

Here’s an overview of what steps you should consider taking ahead of bringing home and installing a colony into their beehive:  

  1. Research local beekeeping regulations to ensure you are permitted to keep bees in your area.  
  2. Consider having an emergency safety plan in place, especially when beekeeping with kids or anyone who has a suspected allergy to bee stings.  
  3. Choose a bee yard location that’s ideal for honeybees and decide where to place your beehives. If you plan to mow the area around your bee yard, it’s best to do it before installing the bees, adding any stress to newly installed colonies should be avoided at all costs. 
  4. Decide on which beehive design you prefer to use. Be sure to purchase, assemble, paint, and get your beehive equipment set up out in the bee yard at least a few days before the bees are due to arrive. Don’t forget to have your other beekeeping tools and protective clothing purchased and ready, too! 
  5. Don’t forget the bees! If you’re planning to purchase a honeybee nucleus colony or package from a local supplier, make a plan to obtain them as far in advance as possible, before when you’ll officially get started and install your bees.  
  6. Create a plan for managing your beekeeping tasks and keeping good beehive records. Doing both of these things can make a HUGE difference in having a successful beekeeping hobby, not just on the day of installation, but all year long! 
  7. Make a plan for the day of installation to ensure you know what to do based on the type of honeybee colony you’ll be installing. The installation process and steps to take will vary slightly depending on whether you’re installing a honeybee nucleus colony, a package of bees, or a caught swarm.
    • Your honeybee supplier should provide some instructions when you pick up the bees, but you can also find plenty of resources on installing various types of honeybee colonies in the “Read More” section below! 
  8. Join a beekeeping club! Experienced beekeepers, especially those who are local to you, can offer insights and tips for making your honeybee installation process a breeze! 
  9. Just before installing bees, answer the question “Will I need to feed my bees?” and if the answer is “yes”, prepare and/or purchase supplemental feed so that it’s ready for the bees.  
  10. After you’ve considered all the steps above, you’re officially ready to get your honeybees into their new home! You’re prepared now to get them installed, so you’ll do great. Be sure to take pictures/videos and have fun

Read More

Tips for Installing New Honeybee Colonies 

Preparing and Installing Your Beehive 

Purchasing and Installing Your Bees

Installing Package Bees 

The Joy of Installing Nucs

Obtaining and Installing a Package of Bees *

Obtaining and Installing a Nucleus Colony *

Capturing and Installing a Swarm of Bees *

* Colony Member-Only Content   

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