Give the gift of beekeeping, with a Colony Membership Gift Coupon. On sale now!

Our bees are very capable of maintaining a healthy and growing colony, as they do in nature so well. But they face so many threats, from mites to disease to even the larger threat of bears. As beekeepers our role is to provide an environment in which the colony can face and beat these threats. And when it does, there are rewards awaiting the beekeeper.

3.1 Threats to Bees

Varroa mites, wax moth, small hive beetle, robbing, nosema, foulbrood and more
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3.2 Inspecting Your Hive

Queenlessness, requeening, swarms, brood pattern, splits, overwintering and more.
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3.3 Reaping the Rewards

Honey extraction, extractors, crush and strain, beeswax, making money and more
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