A BetterComb Hive Inspection

There has been strong growth in interest recently for synthetic comb, as an effective way to help our bees establish themselves in a hive. The cost of building comb is significant for our bees, both in terms of the resources they need to collect as well as the energy they need to draw out fresh comb.

BetterComb is a very popular choice of synthetic comb, due to its use of a food-grade, virgin synthetic wax, very similar to beeswax. In this fascinating video, Dan Ski inspects a hive in which he has used BetterComb for some time.

Dan takes a close look at how the comb itself has fared, as well as a good view of his bees of course!

The PerfectBee store sells BetterComb sheets and the associated frames. And embedding device is also available.