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Beehives and Accessories

Beehives in a field
What is the most popular type of beehive?
There are many beehive designs available, all aiming to provide what you and your bees need... but which one is most popular, and why?
March 10, 2025
Beehives in an apiary
What makes a bee yard location ideal for honeybees?
In a bee yard location, honeybees need a few basic things in order to thrive and not just survive.
February 24, 2025
Complete Deep Box
Product Guide : Langstroth Boxes
The focal point of the Langstroth are the boxes in which your bees will live. This Product Guide looks at the options available when purchasing...
February 1, 2025
Beehives in a field
Why Have More Than One Beehive?
One is just fine. Right...?Beekeeping isn't the most expensive of hobbies. But no-one would claim that some of the equipment and tools necessary won't cost...
Eggs in honeycomb
The Debate Over Small Cell Beekeeping
Cell size in natureBees don't create a cells of a single, pre-determined size as they make their honeycomb. They make them according to their needs....
Varroa on larva
The Use of Drone Frames To Combat Varroa
Let's face it - we humans generally love summer! Gone are the chilly days of winter and spring and, instead, we look forward to balmy...
Screened Bottom Board
Screen Bottom Boards Vs. Solid Bottom Boards: Which Is Better?
Did you know that there are two different types of bottom boards?New beekeepers may not be aware that there are many types of bottom boards...
Warre Boxes
What to know about Warre hives
The result of 50 years of research, the Warre beehive is designed to mimic bees in nature as much as possible. We look at it's...
Top Bar Cedar Hive
What to Know About Top Bar Hives
The top bar hive has emerged as a popular alternative to the Langstroth for people who are looking to avoid heavy lifting and/or enjoy a...
Multiple beehives
What to know about Langstroth beehives
A look at the components of the Langstroth beehive and guidance on operational ​factors to keep your colony happy and healthy.
Bees at Hive
A beekeeper’s journey: Part 1 – Choosing the type of hive
The first of a three-part blog series, describing how Sarah decided on her choice of hive.
Beehives in a field
What is the most popular type of beehive?
There are many beehive designs available, all aiming to provide what you and your bees need... but which one is most popular, and why?
March 10, 2025
Beehives in an apiary
What makes a bee yard location ideal for honeybees?
In a bee yard location, honeybees need a few basic things in order to thrive and not just survive.
February 24, 2025
Complete Deep Box
Product Guide : Langstroth Boxes
The focal point of the Langstroth are the boxes in which your bees will live. This Product Guide looks at the options available when purchasing...
February 1, 2025
Beehives in a field
Why Have More Than One Beehive?
One is just fine. Right...?Beekeeping isn't the most expensive of hobbies. But no-one would claim that some of the equipment and tools necessary won't cost...
Eggs in honeycomb
The Debate Over Small Cell Beekeeping
Cell size in natureBees don't create a cells of a single, pre-determined size as they make their honeycomb. They make them according to their needs....
Varroa on larva
The Use of Drone Frames To Combat Varroa
Let's face it - we humans generally love summer! Gone are the chilly days of winter and spring and, instead, we look forward to balmy...
Screened Bottom Board
Screen Bottom Boards Vs. Solid Bottom Boards: Which Is Better?
Did you know that there are two different types of bottom boards?New beekeepers may not be aware that there are many types of bottom boards...
Warre Boxes
What to know about Warre hives
The result of 50 years of research, the Warre beehive is designed to mimic bees in nature as much as possible. We look at it's...
Top Bar Cedar Hive
What to Know About Top Bar Hives
The top bar hive has emerged as a popular alternative to the Langstroth for people who are looking to avoid heavy lifting and/or enjoy a...
Multiple beehives
What to know about Langstroth beehives
A look at the components of the Langstroth beehive and guidance on operational ​factors to keep your colony happy and healthy.
Bees at Hive
A beekeeper’s journey: Part 1 – Choosing the type of hive
The first of a three-part blog series, describing how Sarah decided on her choice of hive.