A PerfectBee Colony Webinar

Colony Cluster May 2024

• Ambassador Round Table Discussion (Ends at 15:31)
• Tasks to Complete After Catching a Swarm (19:40)
• What to Look for with a “Swarm Queen” (21:52)
• Feeding Syrup to a Swarm Colony (25:08)
• The Possible Downsides to Feeding (25:47)
• Mite Testing and Treatments for Swarms and Originating Colonies (28:55)
• Inspecting a Newly Caught Swarm (29:36)
• Making Room in a Long Langstroth Hive (31:54)
• The Importance of Knowing About Your Local Nectar Flow (34:09)
• The Timeline for Managing a Virgin Queen (35:57)
• What is an Afterswarm? (37:22)
• Reasons a Colony May Swarm & the Genetics Involved (39:20)
• What is “Retinue”? (40:15)
• Determining a Queen is a Virgin (40:45)
• Possible Causes Utilizing Excess Drone Comb (41:44)
• Why Are Drone Cells Typically Built at the Bottom of Frames? (43:52)
• Making Sugar Syrup – Volume vs. Weight (46:25)
• Queen Mating Flights and Nearby Honeybee Colonies (49:10)
• Queen Breeding Options (53:20)
• Dealing With A New Nuc Colony That’s Aggressive (54:17)
• Factors Causing Aggressiveness (56:46)
• Genetics & Re-Queening Approaches (59:10)
• Getting Rid of Small Hive Beetles and Other Pests (1:01:45)


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