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Do I need permission to start beekeeping?

Beekeeping laws and regulations cover many aspects of beekeeping and may vary by location.

Beekeeping laws and regulations exist to ensure honeybee populations stay healthy and that beekeepers remain well-informed and responsible. They may vary, though, depending on where you want to keep your bees. In addition to federal beekeeping regulations managed by the USDA, there are many local and state-wide regulations that may affect your beekeeping hobby, especially in urban areas.  

Before you get started with buying bees and setting up your beehive, it’s crucial to find out what legal regulations may apply to you by contacting your local/state government agricultural office (or visiting their website). Consider joining a beekeeping community, like PerfectBee’s Colony community online, or find a local beekeeping club to connect with other beekeepers and learn about beekeeping regulations from their experiences. 

Regulations vary depending on location but may include things like zoning laws, how many hives you can have, and even the sale of any honeybee by-products. They may dictate the distance a beehive must be from buildings or neighboring property lines, too, but we recommend sharing your beekeeping plans with neighbors* whether it’s legally required or not. (*Colony members, see the “Read More” section below for the Academy lesson on navigating that sometimes tricky discussion!) 

Many local or state agencies may require you to register your beehives with their apiary oversight programs. These programs provide support to beekeepers by offering educational resources and connections to beekeeping mentors. They also collect important hive data that’s used to manage threats to bees.  

Read More

Planning and Purchasing Your Beehive

Contrarian Positions Every New Beekeeper Should Consider

Is Beekeeping Right For You?

Beekeeping and Your Neighbors *

Making Money With Beekeeping *

 * Colony Member-Only Content