Introducing the PerfectBee Colony Beekeeping Forum
For any online community, such as PerfectBee Colony, an important factor is exactly how and where members engage with each other. Somewhat over-simplifying a complex issue, this often boils down to a choice between a private Facebook group, as we have today, or an online forum.
Since the launch of PerfectBee Colony in early 2018, members engaged with each other through the Colony Facebook Group. This served us well as a great way to establish the thriving and active beekeeping community it is today. We thank all our members!
But times are a-changing…
In September 2019 we moved to the PerfectBee Colony Beekeeping Forum.
We are very excited about our new forum. Here is a brief summary of some of the benefits.
Colony Beekeeping Forum Benefits
- Access better organized topics. Our forum has a well-defined, consistent and easy-to-navigate structure. You can easily find valuable, focused and active beekeeping discussions.
- Stay up to date easier. You have much better control over when and how you are notified of updates to beekeeping topics of interest to you, whether via the forum site itself or via eMail.
- More Colony members. Every Colony member – not just those with a Facebook account – can now participate.
- Earn your badges! We love it when folks engage, ask questions and contribute. So as you engage more, we reward you with badges and new features. More fun!
- Better, more helpful search. If you are looking for something, you will find a much better and more powerful search facility.
- Simple, easy access. You use the same Colony username and password you use today to log on today – no new accounts necessary.
But one important thing never changes – the Colony member community remains the helpful, collaborative and super-friendly place for hobbyist beekeepers to discuss beekeeping!