PerfectBee Signature Hives

PerfectBee Signature hives are high-quality, US-made Langstroth hives. Conveniently available in 8 / 10 frame and 2 / 4 box configurations. Each configuration is itself available in three editions – Essentials, Plus and Elite – to fit requirements and budget.

Langstroth 8 Frame 4 Box Hive
Langstroth 8 Frame 4 Box Hive
Langstroth 8 Frame 2 Box Hive
Langstroth 8 Frame 2 Box Hive
Langstroth 10 Frame 4 Box Hive
Langstroth 10 Frame 4 Box Hive
Langstroth 10 Frame 2 Box Hive
Langstroth 10 Frame 2 Box Hive