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What is a “Candy Board”?

Candy boards are a preferred method of providing supplemental food for bees, especially in the winter months.
By Nicole Marois. Published February 15, 2025:

Candy boards are a supplemental emergency food for your bees during the winter months. As they eat through their stored resources, candy boards can provide much-needed carbohydrates to your bees to help them survive until spring. Candy boards are similar to fondant but have a firmer texture and are uncooked, making them a popular choice for beekeepers due to their ease of use.

Candy boards are typically made at home by mixing sugar and water until they form a “soft ball” that is almost dough-like. The mixture is then flattened and allowed to cool for 24 hours. The resulting “candy board” of feed should be the right consistency, not too hard or soft, for bees to be able to eat it. (See our “What to Feed Honeybees” article in the “Read More” section below for more on making candy boards.)

Candy boards for winter supplemental feeding should be added directly above the winter cluster, using a feeding shim or specialized piece of equipment to keep the board in place. Important note: Ensure you only open your beehive during the winter months under the right conditions and do your best to close the hive back up as quickly as possible.  

Beyond supplemental feeding, the sugar within candy boards has the added benefit of absorbing moisture inside the hive and reducing condensation. Using a feeding shim has some additional benefits as well. When feeding candy boards using a feeding shim, the shim provides the colony an upper entrance that is closer to their food source. This entrance is easier for bees to access and adds ventilation to help bees manage moisture. 

Read More

What to Feed Honeybee Colonies

Perspective on Feeding Bees

Introduction to Feeding Honeybees *

Using Feeders with Your Beehive * 

How Bees Manage Temperature and Moisture *

 * Colony MemberOnly Content 

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